Good afternoon everybody Stuck on last 4 this month. 18d __ anything once (3) ??? 20a power of the __ (5) ???s? 26a love __ Love (7) ?e???n? 23d __ my sunshine (5) ???a? Thanks for any... ...
Good evening everybody. I'm stumped again this month. 8a Dylan associates (3,4) ?h?,??n? 5d seasons in the __ (5) ???s? 15a _ Tyler (3) ?a? 16a __ end (7) ?e?s??? 14d we all _ _ we are (4,3) ????... ...
Merry Xmas everyone. Stuck on last 4 this month. 17a wet _ (3) ?e? 19d a _ of sound (3) ?e? 9d hit the _ (5) ?o?t? 31a the _ couple (3) ?d? Thanks for any help
Good afternoon everybody. This crossword is getting harder. Stuck on the following. 1d __ saint (7) ?R???e? 13d the __ (7) ?u?t??? 14d __ phantom (4,3) ? L?? ??? 19d hot _ live (3) ??? 31a _ music... ...
I'm stumped this month. 5 questions to do. 11a the living ___(3) ? E? 16a Lancashire 60s band (7) ? I ? I ? O ? 26 a rare lp mushroom (7) ? H??? U ? 23d killing __ (5) ???o? 29 d __ of a miracle (5)... ...
Good afternoon everybody. Stuck on last three this month. 25a ___ to differ (3) ?e? 18d Russell's brother (3) ?o? 34d __ white (3) ?e? Thanks for any help
Hello everyone. Stuck on last few this month. 3d _ was (3) ?o? 34d the _ album (3) ?e? 6 d _ us apart (7) ?A???n? 12a original film _ (5) ? K ??? Thanks for any help
Good afternoon everybody. Stuck on last few. 18d the _ group (3) ?o?
22d 'remembering ' a German rock band (7) ?A?t???
35a I'm an __ (7) ?????r?
36a Jerry __ (7) ?A?m?r?
Thanks for any help...
Good afternoon everybody, stumped on last three. 6d _ _ boogie (4,3) ???l, ?o?
16a the _ singers (7) ?l?A?A?
8a ex-youth of today (7) ?h?l???
Thanks for any help...
Good afternoon everybody. Stuck on last few. 8a 1970 LP "crimson muck" (3.4) ???,??r? 5d net,books,education (5) ???l? 35a you __ me (7) ?e????? 28d 80s glam metal band (5) ?e??? Thanks for any help...