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I have three pairs of trainer which I rotate the wearing of them to try and stop them from smelling. Any hints on how to extinguish/precvent there stench? Yes I do wash my feet every day....
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I have recently bought a nexklace with cross on it. I am not at all religious but would love to believe in a higher being; But dont at all. Is it hypercritical to wear this cross? or can I wear it as...
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I cant get an old game of mine (pharaoh) to work on my new XP PC. it just sends up an error message something like 'XP doesnt like the DOSness of this program' when I try and install it. Any Ideas??
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Just got the Ghost in the Shell 1st Gig. I've seen the first movie, should I watch the second before watching the series???
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Hi I had a Jumper from John Lewis summer sales, which I promptly lost and urgently need another. make was either 4 or 5 letters and began with M. any suggestions?
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In alien film the android plays the game where one stabs a knife between the finger of a hand on the table. Any one know what this game is called?
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Whats the highest percentage of alcohol a drink can to be legally sold in Britain?
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How do I stop my lips and teeth from gfetting stained whilst drinking Red Wine?

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