1, soft fruit sweets. 2, watering places. 3, bibliophiles delight. 4, man from over border. 5, guy with a box hesitates. 6, where the sheep got out. 7, the ringer is stuck. 8, vintage seal....
Dingbats O+h2o 10 20 30 40.LIF Harry Grange Damon 1 100oC Bath Chelsea 0 0 C Golf E Kildare No >. On No No SU +Lt. Ju2ry X Owen wright the . D_SSEC_ Be Kate at 2p 5p 10p 20p 50p £1 1p...
28a The sensation of light produced when pressure is exerted on lid of closed eye (9) ??O?P?E?E
18d Wooden rod, sharpened at both ends, used to pin down thatch esp in Ireland (7) S?O?L??...