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No sleeping too well at the moment so decided to give up and get up. hope it is not too early to say hello to someone.
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It's Tuesday morning and it looks miserable out there again this morning. Roll on spring! Have a happy day everyone....
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Have yours dwindled? I know they usually disappear for a while after the summer but it's quietest autumn I can remember in my garden and I've just had this link in an email from the RSPB.....
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Am I going mad!! Just looked at prices for the above journey for 17th Dec - and the best price I can see is £36 each way!!! Surely not?? HELP!!
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my 13 year old lasa apso had two seizures 4 weeks ago it was scary and upsetting he was foaming paddling and convulsing and urinated ,he has been to the vets and had blood test everything ok there...
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It's Saturday morning. The sky is clear and there is a gentle breeze. Not bad for late November. Make the most of it 'cos it ain't going to last much longer! Have a happy day everyone....
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Been up since 4 baking a shipping order. Off to an antiques fair at 10 - Mrs V needs retail therapy... Your plans for the day?...
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I have lost my Carlos Ruiz Zafon 'Angel's Game' book that I was immensley enjoying but can't seem to find it! So I am on the search for a new book to get my teeth into... Any recommendations for any...
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Crazy Cat lady has sent me more pictures of Pumpkin, and she's too cute to not share once again, my new cat I mean not the CCL!
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Great day today. Rehomed two beautiful brothers,Dexter & Diesel.These two were going to be seperated after today as most people can't affored to take two cats but a lovely lady had seen them on...
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I pick this little girly up on the 1st of December, and to say the Boo household is excited is an understatement. And when I say little girly, I can't imagine she will be for long, she's a full...
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The girl wants to go and see these, she is 12, I know nothing of them. Are they suitable?...
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Only one question - did you enjoy it and did it warm your heart? http://www.dailymail....ervation-workers.html...
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Hope you slept really well. Still very dark outside with a very clear sky and the stars look beautiful. Have a great day folks. X x x...
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Hope Saturday is kind to you and the fireworks don't upset your pets too much.
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He's come in on three separate occasions today and dropped a small leaf, then a large leaf then a small stick at my feet, looked up at me, mewed then run back outside. Are these 'gifts'? Can we expect...
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Good morning everybody from the Eastern shires. Haven't opened the curtains yet, so don't know what the day holds for me. I hope it holds positive vibes for Moonie ... good luck
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any better than normal frontline?. Our Persian keeps getting infested despite being frontlined every month. Our moggy seems to be ok. The plus is considerably more expensive so before I buy any can...
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A big pot of freshly made tea and loads of hot buttered toast available for those who would like to serve themselves xx 24 hours for Moonie, wishing him all the best for tomorrow....
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No weather update from me as I've not opened the blinds, all I know is, it sounds quiet. It doesn't feel like a Tuesday either :)...

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