18.Mount Vesuvius casts a shadow over which Italian City. 34.In what country did Silent Night originate. 38. The Olo'upena Falls are in which country of the Americas 47. What is the smallest planet in...
13a. Try a new car , or a rocket (4,7)t??t. ?????le
24a. Where to get and to wear the boots(5,8)g???? ????????
23a. Crime of wrongful detention(7)d??????
Many thanks for any help...
33d.It gets out of cars, no matter how fast they're travelling (7)e?????t 42d. Down to earth character from a Greek legend. (6)????u? 41a. Touchdown on what's burning? (6)a????? 50a. It's made to...
11a.Stays in bed , settles in dock (4,2)l?e?s up.. I was given an answer already glacé cherries for 2 & 18d. That is where I get my 'e' from
Does that answer make sense?...
7d. Sweets or layers of 15d.(I have Xmas cakes ) perhaps (9)m?r?i?a?s 17d. Claimant. Old Suitor(9)p???e???r 11a. Stays in bed, settles in dock(4,2)l??? Up? 20a One holding a commercial concession...
15/27d. Leafy vegetable a Helvetian scorched by the sound of it (5, 5)s???s. Chard 21a. Inconsiderate speed is pure losing the head(5) h???? 32d.Cry, " That's a hot hooter"(4)???l 34a. Vegetable seen...
12d. Seeing a girl lug cash Does the porter have a right to v merely causes a dismissive sign from the French (6,5) 25a. Does the porter have a right to be immersed in lager(6) 16a.Its used for divers...
12a. Groundbreaking African- American actor(6,7)S?d?e? P?i???r 21a. English comedian and actor(7,6) F????k?e. ?o ?e?d 15a. Film producer (6)?t???o 24a. Information in old cinemas (9)n???r?e?s Many...
1d Behind the scenes where scenes go unseen(8)?????a?? 11a. Hoofs on roofs in the snow(10)??o?u????? 17D. Can't be half bad, neither naughty or nice? Should suffice (7)A?e???e 5/38d. Holy Mother of...
10a. Impulsive combustion (11)--0---N---S
9a. However the direction does not matter (6)A---A-
4d. During fiasco, pity it had to suffer punishment(3,2)C-- --
Many thanks...
23d. Having been asserted as true under oath; avowed; affirmed (5) s?o??
27a. Displaying a feeling of anxiety and apprehension (6)???s?..
These two link in to each other
Many thanks...
18a. High velocity assault rifle(8)??m?l???
28a. How a cricket ball should be bowled (7) o? e???m
21a. 21a Set off on a sea voyage (4,4)??d? S???
11a. Fawning, servile(6)s???m?
Many thanks...
33 ?34a Chap dining on fish? This fish wants role reversal (3-6, 5)M?n - ?a?i?? ????? 21a. Note the woeful confusion this Heaney translation resulted in (7)Be????? 14d One wasp flying around a...