33a. Extremely harsh about the lorry you gave out on loan, by the sound of it (9) t?u???e?? 10 & 11a Something's about to happen, so don't look at any other array of galaxies (5,4,5) 8d To be fair,...
3a. Infant who is destined to become a security guard.
(4,7) b??? ????p?r
8 & 23a Sixties movement that predicted energy generated from horticulture (6,5) f?o?e? P????
Many thanks...
21a. Turn aside on seeing it's the Long Fellow I consumed (7) de???the 28a. Came out of one's shell, writing what one detested about the Swiss(7)?at??e? 34a Picture some Vietnamese soup to put...
5d. Dvoraks New World Symphony lyrics: so nostalgic nowadays (5,4)?o?n? ??m?
13a. DART approaching, you know what to do;DART departing, you know what to say!(4)?a??
Many thanks...
1a. A performer of humiliating initiation rites in US college fraternities (5)
1d. The study of Jewish affairs.?9)??b???I?m
22a. An animal preying on another (8)??e?a?o?
Many 4...
7d. The familiar name of Tahiti Maoris (3) T?m
15a.& 6d. After a breather, and a gin cocktail, a mustang perhaps such training (7, 1 ,5)l?n??n? a ?o?s?
Many thanks...
26a. Think Dennis can be upset?
Easily upset(4-7) T?u? S??n???
17d. Do you switch it on to see what's coming from the volcano(4,4)???? ???p
25a Damage one commoner?
Gas isn't it
Many thanks...
17d Create a deceptive appearance (8)d????i?e Going into that 23a In such conditions, its hard to see how a character follows Verne's Phileas(5)f???y( I thought it might be foggy) If foggy is correct...
1a. A sequence of words in a sentence that have a meaning(6)??r?s?
11d. Collecting secret information, enemies of a country or group (6)s?y?a?
Many thanks...