1a. Company transport is returning with daily record(10)??b?i????? 10a. Language the man will concoct(6)h???e? 17d One aiming for rookie a.c after another bird ((6) 25a. Breathtaking wear(5,5)?h???...
1a. What to take to miss danger(7,6) ??a?i?? ??????
5d. Eskimos(7)????i?s
19d.American channel or canal (5) B?e??
24a. Attack (4,2,7) looks like Make an ??s????
Many thanks...
27a Acceptability on a mass cultural level (6,4) ???e?t. ???d 22d.Small glass container used in religious Ceremonies (5) c???? 20d.Virtual preparation relating to calves (7)v?t?l?? 5d.A loosely...
5d. Indoctrinate (7)??g?a?n
I don't know if it should be ingrain or engrained.
Ia. Looked after (6)it can be either tended or minded.5d starts with either e or i
Many thanks...
7a. Fancy taking it over in time (6)n???o? 21d Something boring to do when sleepy(4)??w? 14/15a Gradually move slowly towards some food (4,4) I?c? ?e?? 10a. Go over point that is nearly out of...