A few left. Thanks for previous answers. 19d. Earn me the right to object (5)m?r?? 26a.many find decay has a hard surface(5)???s? 31d. The French find father is a mythical female (4)?e?a Many thanks...
8d. One who will give you a yen for lots of Iranian rial(5, 7) money ??????? 24,5d & 17d.cricket equipment in the campanoligsts haute - how crazy is that. (4,2,3,6)b??? in the b????? 14a the goddess...
18a. You needn't be rich to look like this, laughing all the way to the bank (1,7,7)A ????i?n 5d.What one hundred cows are right distressed by it.? For the birds (9) 1d.On the road again-wherever and...
A few left to do.
11a Boy's from English city by the sound of him(6)????e?
1a Boy's homeless charity (5)????n
2d Boy's a long way (5)??l??
1d. Spanish city (6)?????e
Many thanks...
1a. Boy's homeless charity (5)??o?? 3d. Of communication, using gestures (3-6) 9a Boy's a lover(9)??????I?e 18a public scrappers (8)b?????r? 14d Attributes meaning where none may exist (5,4) Many...
15 & 25aan early form of animal (7,6)??r??e ?I???? 16a The Board accepts two novices-it helps traffic organization(7)?o????? 17d. Will it determine definitely whether you are a British detective...
12d. Got up liquid quantities, say of Rock forming minerals (4-6)???e-?????? 1a. Demon allowed it to be implied though not expressed(8)???l???t 26a.From Arizona, a pastureland flower (6)?????a 24a.New...
5a. Rise or fall rapidly (6)???r??
10a. Small chance, rodent sound & a narrow escape (6) ???e??
8d. The same, ditto (8)????w?s?
17d. Dull inactive people (8)?a?b???s
Many thanks...
10 & 11 Belts of calm where mares tails abound( 5,9)horse l?t?????? 21d. The English bay being excluded from failure (7)w?s??u? 24a.Bring to nought what is achieved by a French party(4)?n?o 15a....
9a. How hard it is to study a Greek island. (7)???c?e?e
4d. Chirping insects found in warm regions (7)c????a?
25a.He was to be seen in Kowloon at handover time (6)?a?h?n
Many thanks...
1a. Party, then set up tents in the gulag (6,4) l????? ????
21a. One in favour of the railway system (7)s??e?er
4d. In turn five get embraced by a French clergyman (5)??r?e
Many thanks...
37a Securing device for one obsessed with lepidoptery (9,3)b????r?l? n?t 8d. More draught can be had here, though it appears to be a well kept secret (6,6)hidden ?????s 1a. Hungry? Slight adjustment...