9a. Novelty revealing new technology leaders in height of fashion, (3,2,5) ???E ?N ?H?N?
21a. Self-propelling German car (4)
13a. 70's Hollywood Star- a character out of reach somehow. ?H?S...
14 american poet of sterling character (5) p?u?? 21 cartoon character would only be half there without the cap (4) a??? 28 Can North and South leaders' sole u turn become agreeable to most (10)...
9a. Where rulers are like ten poets at sixex and sevens (10) ??T?????E
10a Whats within pleases (8) ???T???S
18a How the mystery writer deals with his denouement is as a secret(5,2,2,3,3,)...
10A Summing up, I did not initally apply refiguring (8) ?D?G?I?N 12A Figure this as big as it is improper (5) ?R?A? 8/22A Pay for a party without hard cash? (4,5) soft ?o?e? is it money?...