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Financial Times Prize: 11d. Wasting extra seconds in possession infuriates sports team (5,7) -E-A- /I'm sure the second word is Rangers
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1d) Divers always covered with a lot of NaCI? (7) I take the answer to be "Several" but why? 
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Clue is: Piece of ino, ASAP! (4) I have -T-T, so I think the answer can only be Stat. But what does ASAP refer to? I'd appreciate any help.  
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1ac) Flock of black sheep, small for area (6) I haven't a clue. Have you?
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1 ac. Instrument exciting cute rear (8). From the letters I have:  c-e-t-r-, I assume the answer is creature. Since when does Instrument mean creature?
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Crossword clue (10 a) Radio Four's back on air (5) From the down clue answers I have -U-E-. I assume the answer is TUNER> If so, why?
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Paper is at mischief to break rowan (8) Any help appreciated....
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Nice crossword compiler left local spot (4) I have M-I- Help please!...
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9 ac. Hearing setters settle way to kill nettles (9) I've got: W -E-I-I-- 25 ac. Familiar misrepresentation of my people's name (7) I've got B-M---M...
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Totally foxed by: King George, say – different when topless, matey (10) I've no letters which demonstrates that I'm struggling a bit with this one. Unusual for PE cryptic. Any help would be much...
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Last one to go, but completely stumped. Any help would most appreciated. Order revolutionary books and articles from Helena . (8) I've got -O-T-N-N...
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US state out, I see, to depose leader (4) -T-- Book is being devised by him (7) --B-E-S Any help would be appreciated....
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Last one. Balls inverted after bottom of pants turned in – nasty (5) -N-D- ( I think). Answer would be welcome. Thanks....

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