Not sure if this is the right place for this query. This may be a daft question [or not] but most days about 8.10 am my touch lamp comes back on, it's freaking me out - does this happen to anyone...
I have a bottle of homemade rhubarb wine from 2003 that I won in a raffle. It is a beautiful golden colour. So far I haven't had a chance to open it, but wondered will it be OK to drink it next month...
I have a delight every weekend in visiting a local fish bar where the owner batters and cooks a frexh fillet of cod for me. He is extremely hurt that over MANY years of visiting his shop I have never...
Hi has anyone got any ideas on what aisle the dulce de leche would be on in a supermarket?! I can't even pronounce it to ask! Planning on looking in Tesco and Morrisons. Thanks
Totally stuck on this one 13 across 4 letters Remains of grapes or other fruit pressed for winemaking M--C That is if I have Garam Masala correct 1 down
id forgotten that i had a whole pack of raspberries left in the fridge that i bought on friday, any ideas what i can do with them? not into pavlova much and hubby doesnt like raspberries much for...
Does anyone have experience of a Bakers Cyst? It is five weeks since mine burst and the doc said it would heal in two!! The pain in my knee is awful, painkillers are helping.
Hi everyone I have popped in to say hello, I'm off out with my daughter, son-in-law, grandson and hubbs, to Alnwick Gardens up in Northumberland, got the picnic hamper packed so hoping for a good day,...
65A of or relating to easter 48D what's a word for assigning new positions or tasks 6A the taking down of christ's body after the cruxcification Any help thanks?
I bought my wife a chinese bamboo lucky plant about 12 months ago.Over the past 4 months 4 of the bamboo stalks have turned from a healthy green colour to a pale yellow colour at the rate of 1 stalk a...
The nails on both my big toes are tough, I find them v/difficult to cut even after soaking in hot water and using nail clippers, anyone know how I can soften them so as to be able to cut them. They...
15a End of a hammer opposite the striking face peen, pean, pein, pene or pane n the end of a hammer head opposite the hammering face. \u00A9 Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd: The Chambers Dictionary...
Why is the UK such a safe haven for criminals ? U K criminals including illegal immigrants apparently can commit crimes abroad and we do not send them back to face trial in that country in case their...