I have approx 49 mtrs of BT line running through my curtailage can anyone advise me on how to apply for wayleave payments from British Telecom. Any advice would be appreciated.
I live in a rural area, I am a migrated townie who would never go back to city living. There are a lot of Rabbits in the field opposite my house. I noticed some acting strange and was actually able to...
My house backs directly onto farmland as I only have a small garden I made enquiries into purchasing land to extend garden an possibly extend house. The land is grade 2 land in a greenbelt are so my...
There is a song in the charts at the moment that the BBC use sometimes to advertise forthcoming programmes. The best way I can describe it is that it is a female vocalist and there is loads of LA LA...
Are ther any 'in print' books which list in chronological order the UK singles charts of the 1980's as I have the Guiness Hit Singles but that just lists the groups and is not specific to the...