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Meal, for example, turning up colour (5) t-n-e and Bizarre winding route (5) --t-e and Long skirt from endless saying (4) -e--...
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19a Steward in club at Etihad Stadium with one short request (8). I have - - - C - - - E, 27a Tense learner at university, outwardly faultless (10). I have - L - - - R - - - T, 16d Male in the manner...
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18a cool answer given to copper in box is false ??????r??? 22a appear on the bow, vessel ahead 4,2 ???? ?? 24a seal takes floating herring tail first ?????? 26a messages are too sentimental, this is...
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13d cheerful deputy good and honest ???t?n?ing 14d new study breaking dictator down ???p?n?e?t 15a current appeal about elections first posted by democrat 7,3 ????e?t ?a?...
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q1 send card if you are coming [7] q2 is it a creepy place [7] q3 no ships in this plantation [9] q4 scottish road junction[6,6] q5 popular cat with foot digit [10]...
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3)Topless refuge holds one policeman (10) 16)Plant round bricks (7) 20)Alarm loses bird, takes in William (13) 38)Ear reversed in aquatic mammals (8)...
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just a few left, top LH corner .... 1d university guy is able to trap person from the north (9) ???l?n??? 7a murderer runs in old heap (5) ???r? 15a spanish boy follows short boat (7) ???a?a? 3d...
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Cannot parse 12ac: Wine press starts to fail in Dutch town(4) Assume answer is EDAM = Dutch town famous for cheese...
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5 sack the factory (9) 11 mythicalcreature,move quickly(9) 13 short measure follows radium before bend(7) 18 heavenly plunger (8) 33 ventilate southern joint(7) 34 single carpentry tool (9) thanks for...
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Headline instruction to open catch? (5,7) --e-- -e-s-s- and Provides personnel for the county (6) -e-f--...
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clue australian actor letters 5 9 i have m?oshhehr?????c these are jumbled
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2d Spirit or French wine that's put about 8 r?m??r?? 15a Sticks from shed are broken 7 a??e?e? 20d Happening to find Greek character on turf in central Greece? 7 ?p??o?e Thanks for help...
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Last one 27 Down Unit of Writing (8) S-N-E-C- (Maybe a mistake?)...
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15d...Barker's penniless friend, one from Dickens..A?????A?
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help please 10a struggles,holding weak opinions 5 12a theory of earth's formation,terribly foggy one,lacking force 7 tried anagramming oggy one-no help 14a crazy?stick around 4 16a fine monk duly...
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42d spiritual instruction hes set up, embraced by virtuous leader of flock 9 g-o-e-e-d 26a ring me for royalty on piano composition 4 opus?
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Unit used in expressing wavelengths of light, ultra-violet rays
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17a being small it is swallowed by me [4] ???e cryptic s world 14a heading for just claim [5] t?t?? 21a in turn i obey a weeper [5] ni??e many thanks...
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Front drive in SW19? (8) ?O?E?A?D
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Last one. 14d. Drowsy drunkard eats crushed melon-nice starter (9) ?R?N?L?N?...

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