i'm sorry i don't know how many letters are in the answers, thanks in advance for any help given. 1. mother holds animal 3. no horse in 7. take nothing from u.s.a. piebald 8. re-ignited in confusion...
1. Robin's favourite (soup). 2. Business term (fish). 3. Footballer's fear (meat). 4. Bit of the mountain (meat). 5. Turn 'H' around (veg). 6. Precious measures (veg). 7. Cook thoroughly (dessert). 8....
Please can any one help with the following. All answers begin with a Q. 25. Cheese from Austria (7) 63. Inquisitive gossiping person (8) 72. Mary Whitehouse novel (5,8) 74. Collectively arrows (6)...
780 can this inn free snack be made from an aromatic resin (12) anag. (91) change these land dates from the end of the year (6,9) anag (92) those rotten pests dream of these at Christmas maybe? anag...
i would be very grateful for any help. all answers start with the same letter 1Architect of a dome but not in london 6 4 2there's absolutely nothing to be seen in these conditions 4 4 3 is it chased...
Can anyone tell me if they have the same answer for numbers 6 and 15 on the which is the odd one out section on page 10 I dont want any answers - I do know closing date isnt till June - its just that...
11. a cool cheat will appear to make sure he has this gift this year (anag) (9). (19)you can just arrive with the answer right here (4). (21)the signing of whitch treaty led to the withdrawal of US...
Down to my last three. I've been through the Fantastic Fiction site but no luck in locating these authors. 61. MC by JH 71. GPB by AL 73. LWTF by NM I'd be very grateful for any help. Thanks