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Big Al1st

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Hello. I am setting up a pet sitting and dog walkin company in the midlands and need insurance for obvious reasons. I am totally lost now as i don' no if i need public liability or a special pet...
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look in people and places, this ABer is sick!!! i have reported all their postings, please can everyone else do so? this person is vile
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What 70's drama series opened with a scientist promising, "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him"?
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Hi Can anybody tell me the deepest natural harbour in the world and the deepest natural port please?
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that is the title of an award. What does it mean? thanks
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Big Al1st
I am stuck on two brain teasers which I am not good at anyway 1. How many days before 17th August is it, if 50 days ago, it was four times as many days since March 30th 2. When can you add two to...
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Does anyone have any information on EMS in World War 2?
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I can't believe what I heard on our local news earlier, I am English and live in North Wales one of the top cops here does not want to see the English Flag on cars in the area,what a prat,he can get...
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David H
I know minger is an old Scottish word originally meaning 'stinker', but what is the origin of the very new English word munter for someone ugly, often used interchangeably?
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How did the discovery of Soviet weapons in Cuba almost lead to a nuclear war????
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When I make love with my wife, penetration normally just lasts 3-5 minutes. Although this is not medically premature, I would love to make it 10-20mins. Any tips?
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8 down 4 4 hot red pepper sauce originally made in africa many thanks
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What is the official title of the pope?
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Big Al1st
The Melksham Summer quiz is now being published. This quiz, including the Xmas Quiz has raised over ?9,000 for charity and has been running for 9 years now This summer quiz is supporting the RNLI and...
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From Ottawa, need help with 3 today: 19A: A measurer of radiant energy by increase of electrical resistance:_O_O_E_E_; 30A: A political economy: _L_T_E_M_; 32A: An enzyme that hydrolyses sucrose to...
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why do they think the world revolves around them?
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If the UK became a republic, what would it be called? "The Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" is a bit long-winded. Any other ideas?
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is there any connection between these two in that they are both yellow goo and their names are 99% the same? is the greek or latin for yellow goo 'ustard' ...;o) any ideas? ta
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I know it's not really a phrase, but what does someone with salt and pepper hair actually look like??
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Explain please ! I know what it means but where did this phrase come from?

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