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Dot just phoned me and I think I have made a mistake about her as she was really nice. So I think the feud is over now folks and she said that I sounded just like her ex husband who came from soufend....
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Mr klown me and legend are awaiting your phone call. Wazzzamatter boy did you lose the numbers well legends is 0034 634 029 015 and mine is 07988092784. We await your call fat gob. Or has your mummy...
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Awaits your phone call stompway the klown Now the question is are you man enough to make that call and if you want you can also call me on 07988092784. I await your call wimpo boy
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2 appologies one from leg and one from knobby is what i want in exchange for this eternal bliss is just 2 messages away.............
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I believe in the after life i would like to return to my favourite place of comfort. Wrapped in a duvet with wine, food, cigarettes and chocolate, with a few bonuses. Never having to get up to pee or...
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sod this for a game of toy soldiers i see a bottle of vodka and a bottle of valiums in my future so expect me back 10 times more enraged 50 times more louder 100 times more psychopatic im going to rip...
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I've just had an avon caralogue posted thru my letterbox and i havn't bought avon for over a decade, so i wasn't going to bother now, but it's my next door neighbour that's just started doing it...
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bye knobby!!!!!!!!!!...

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