2d Fabric husband used for a time to back a ruler? (6,3,6)
27d Two men on board digesting old article about fine game? (4,2,3,6)
I have no letters, just need help to get started,thanks in advance...
help please with following 29a At the end of the day is place where people work good enough?(12) 29d Quarrel in the course of meal followed by insolence ? Uncomplaining stoicism needed(5,5,3) ??i??...
help with two please
3d What might victim of hanging be saying? I can't wait to find out(3,8,2,7,2,)
5d New York's knock-out ice cream dish said to accompany alcoholic drink(6,5)...
can't get going at all please help
1a literary work not,however, as told by the wife of Bath?(1,4,2,1,3)
13a one acting indelicately in coming together of Hereford and Worcester?(1,4,2,1,5,4)...
8d Identify call on mobile with no one to overhear(14) thanks in advance
28d Capital line on understanding singular overhead display(8,6) ?????e??/?i?h??...