16aReal-time conversation ran as last minute solution for reprogramming (12,11) ??m?l???e???/t?????????? 8d King scoffed in foreighn parliament once,giving a warning for the future(11)t?r????????...
Assistance needed please 1d camouflaged cow- catchers first to leave office S?????A?I?? is it secretariat if so why. 4d Philosophical work turning up if actor requires one {8,2,4,6}
13a Perform superbly broadcasting on legendary sportscast (4,4,9,4)
3d Blunt inside part of umbrella featured in design (5,6)
Thanks in advance for any help...
1 ac start register,including one very short record, a money item (4 -5-4) 14 ac roaming man sure to catch ship,one journeying to the arctic (9) 5 d record one roman writer's written about a king...