Are there any food science whizz's out there who can explain 2 common questions; 1. How does sweetcorn pass through your digestive system and still managed to 'come out' whole? 2. Why does beetroot...
It goes: I want something else,To get me through this.I want something else,I'm not listening when you say goodbye Doo doo doo, doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo, doo doo doo doo I know the 'doo doo' bit...
Looking at the relative absence of questions on this site this week - for both Saturday and today - do I assume that it was just SO much easier this week? And that finishing them without recourse to...
I'm having a nightmare... I've always worn size 34A, and my sister is almost exactly the same size as me (and also had been waering 34A). She got measured at La Senza and they told her she was...
aarrgh I am just about to leave for work and have put my slow cooker on for the first time but I can't find the instruction book.. It seems to have heated up quite quickly is that right? I have it on...
I had a words... Keynes....definately Milton Magic....bit hazy.....looked like a five letter circle or black Falcon....I saw 9 letters....peregrine or icelandic Bath...I...
I say no... almost everyone else i know says yes. To me 0 is just a representation of the absence of a number... You can not HAVE 0 of anything!!! Well what do ppl think???
I've seen an awful lot of posters refer to 'Daily Mail' readers on this forgive my ignorance, but what does this mean???
I have been doing the slimming world diet and have lost a stone but would like to lose around another 4/5lbs which won't seem to go. Has anyone got any good diet tips for just losing that last few...