Stuck in top left corner.
1a Depressed facing autumn in America and heavy rain (8) and
1d Tame code broken, Brocken by the Italian
Help much appreciated...
1 down Quibbler makes notes in exercise book(6) P?D?N? 6 down Camera part giving an underwater perspective(7,4) F?S?E?? ???S
Organise Maori engineers to get cabinet(7) ??M????...
3D provide whip with hesitation c?t?r 17D caught man and woman on ship -that's sweet ?????f?o?? (Candyflosss?) 13A about to get strange cat something to eat ?r??p?t (Crumpet?) 18A rougish structure...
This is “King Cliffyg” I will try to be more helpful this week but be careful, don’t rush in, take your time or you will go wrong. The answers are all here to be found with the odd red herring....
Good morning everyone - our Indian Summer is continuing way beyond all expectations and we're certainly saving on wood ..I guess when Winter finally arrives it will come with a vengeance !! Now which...
Good morning everyone - nice unexpected drop of rain here today as it's been sticky for the past few, quite tropical in fact and not the weather for 'slaving' over the stove....well that's all done...
This week's MM Links game has closed. I can now reveal that 'King Cliffyg' was looking for the following links:- WALL FLOWER SHOW BOAT / BOAT SHOW ROYAL JELLY ROSE BOWL At this point I would usually...
This is “King Cliffyg” This coming week sees the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show. My wife Jo has green fingers and likes nothing more than a visit to our local garden centres. I...
Good morning all, cant fathom last one.
13a Grim film you and i should leave (5) ?T?R?
15A Puzzler continued unnoticed to give an example (7) anagram? Why...
Good morning everyone - grey and rather sticky here today and I'm up to my ears in green tomatoes [pickling time] so I guess Summer's really over. Four goodies for us...which one might be the 'odd one...