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wheres WBM?
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Its been a long time since i posted on here. Is Elvis68 still around? Lots of names id love to see. rugeleyboy, funkymoped, whiskeysherri, Zorro, helliebobs, bobthturkey, raysparx, Max???? Anyone...
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It's Tuesday. It looks a tad warmer outside this morning. Theres is not so much frost anyway! Can't be bad. Have a good day everyone....
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there .Long time no speak. Just my best wishes to you for 2010, keep warm .Here it is blizzarding snow at the moment, so will be eyes down this afternoon .Take care. Love Brenda.
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Sunday morning. another three days to fit in the twelve days of Christmas, then it's back to reality! Have a good day everyone....
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Puss just asked if I had a couple of fat balls to hang on the fence.
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It's the weekend! it seems like a very long weekend the last week or so. The nights are beginning to get just a bit shorter now. On the downhill slope to spring! Have a good day everyone....
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Wednesday, two days and the whole shebang is over for another year. Roll on spring! Have a good day everyone....
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You might not have known this, but a lot of non-living objects are actually either male or female. Here are some examples: Freezer Bags: They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see...
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I think the weather gurus have got it about right. I think it's going to snow today. It's clear at the moment, but this afternoon it'll decend upon us. so take care and have a good and safe day...
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A bit frosty this morning. Which, I suppose, is better than the 4 to 6 inches of snow we are promised for the entire month of January. We shall see. Have a good day everyone....
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Back to normal now silly season is out of the way. New Year next week then we can get on with life. Have a good day everyone....
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George Washington Irving Berlin Paris Hilton... You get my drift.... :-0...
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I have... never to fly with Easyjet again..PMSL Bobbi ♥...
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Did you survive the festive onslaught without any drama's.
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my sons have given me a lovely present,an actifry'dying to try it out,i'll try my roasted spuds in it tomorrow.
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Mrs. W and I wish all ABers a very merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year. May the angel of peace sit light on your shoulder....
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Christmas eve. all the snow and ice was washed away by rain yesterday afternoon. No frost this morning. Got to be an improvement! Have a good day everyone.
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I hope you feel well my pet, so lovely to see you in here Take care and enjoy Christmas Love from Bobbi x...
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It's Friday and as yet we have no snow,rain or wind. I hope it stays that way. But somehow I doubt it! have a good day everyone.

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