Yesterday evening I mentioned that my neighbours were taking stereo equipment into their house but there was no noise at around 11pm. I got into bed and then it started!!!!!!!! Music went on till...
Thanks to all of you would offered help. It is now sorted by a chap i met whilst having a coffee this afternoon, he sat down and changed the dongle drivers (?) and when i got home after a bit of...
I'm going to be doing this on Britain's Got Talent tonight, and need 2 volunteers to join me. must be quite bendy.
Vodafone espa?a have installed a moble broadband dongle onto my daughter?s Toshiba laptop (8months old) Windows Vista Home Premium but now the computer won't even open, it senda a long page too much...
The sun is shining and it's going to be a lovely day here in Gloucestershire. What wonderful news about the Gurkhas. I am so pleased they now have justice. Have a good day everyone.
The Queen arrived by Royal Train and we sneaked out of work to go and see her arrive, I have never ever seen The Queen and so it was really exciting. She looked amazing and even the rain didn't spoil...
I have a gigantic bag of chocolate buttons and ice cups that I could not possibly eat all by myself! I have just made a pot of tea as well. Anyone? :0]