What is the beginning of eternity? the end of time and space? the beginning of every end? and the end of every place? the same answer for all 4. i will give you the answer on saturday Good Look:-)
Sri geo0939 and rsd 2525. Clues 2a. "Playwright shedding tear for men discovering snake haired monsters (9). e-m-n-d-s 13d "One of three has to go short (4) -r-n & 23d "Hair producer wants to...
Still wanting: I W S C U the S (has to have a connection with numbers - Incy Wincy spider doesn;t) For those wanting answer to 5 T C on TT thats 5 television channels on Terrestial television thanks...
Many tks 4 help. fibonacci. 2a. great. Does "trin" have a meaning? juliefer scalp How does theatre come into this? It's the "Why?" that I find baffling tadpole
Last one to get. 5d Person who will strike an attitude to impress others -O-E-R BTW, what is a liberty horse? I got this by means of elimination but no idea what it is!