I'm in a mess. Kayakamina et al can you help? Try to follow this: I haven't yet solved 1a. Paparazzo's setting beau in stone - quite the opposite (5). I have F - T - P. But I would also have and S...
Sorry to trouble you usual lot, but try as I might I can't get the last three: 22a. Liberal gets behind Conservative in dispute (6). I have C - M - - E 6d. Veteran lost in study that's earlier written...
As so often, very last one has me stumped. Can't spend any more time on it so have decided to cheat. Help?
24d Porridge shows answer for Scottish inventor (5) B - E - D...
As so often, can't get last one or two (this time, two): 40a What is fiery spirit that's removed skin more than once? (4-4). - I - I / - I - I 49d Play guitar endlessly with Queen's introduction (5)....
Heck! Missed one letter. Definitely the last one: Paddy's to wander in road, not quite reaching lough (6). I have STREE - (I just can't see how it might work -- and I know I'll kick myself). Sorry to...
Just two left and driving me crazy: 4d A custom with imbibing the French or the German wine (7) AUS - - I - (Austria? But if so, why?) 28d Tree dancing girl climbs (4) AML - (What on earth can that...
Yet again, the very last one. He scored runs till finally stopped by hail (5). R-V-L. Obviously RAVEL (he scored) but how does the rest work? It's driving me bonkers.
Very last one stumps me as ever. 47d. Unfinished novel about old work of art (6). -R-S-O. FRESCO work of art but why "unfinished novel". I know I'll kick myself, so go on ...
As every week, just the last one I can't get. Well, today two but linked: 20d One on the pull over short time becoming shyer (7) T - R - - -R. If NEWSPAPER is right, then THROWER? But why? Cricket?...
As so, so often (it must be an illness), just the very last one has stumped me for over 10 minutes: 16a Favourable slant about cuts (4). Why NIPS? Cuts, I can see, but favourable slant, I can't...
I'm stuck on the final two:
(a) 32d Country soldier attached to a Continental city (7) P-R-E-A
(b) 38d As ponies may be most advantageously used for transport (10) -I-T-I-D-N...
Stuck, as ever, on very last one: 32d Much-loved grey maroon flower (6,6) -E-E-T -R-H-D. I know very little about orchids (if that -- but what else?) and all my internet searches have produced nothing...
As so often (it must be pathological), I can't see the very last one. 6d. Don't read all I'd written about horse (3,4). D-P / -N-O. Please put me out of my misery.
Forgive me kayakamina, bibblebub et al. As every week, inexplicably I just can't get the very last one in each crossword, however much I think about it. 48a. Pumps carbon dioxide into predetermined...
Very last one stumps me as so often: 24a. I'm surprised by time taken in set and secret rites (9). MYSTERIES fits the letters I have, but can't see why. Can anyone send me to bed with a sense of...
Three last ones I can't get: 1a. Great round takes place, making point (4). G-S- 23d. Man in central parts of Spain missing Cornish pasty (5). A---N (middle letter is H if 25a. Chinese gong not...