13a Unknown quantity in god so push your luck (3,2,2)
T ? Y ? ? ? N
25d Carry to Lawrence of Arabia, initially (4)
T ? T ?
Sorry thought I had finished.
2d Small bank employee speaking of the stars (7)
? T ? L ? A ?
14d Maybe unknown after lesson, designate as secret (8)
C ? A ? S ? F ?
Last two, thanks...
13a Barber loses a double-length biscuit (3,4) F ? ? ? ? ? l 5dd Unsettle and put out of joint (7) ? n ? I ? ? ? 6d No alternative but to place king in cave (6) ? r ? t ? ? Just realised I have not...
5d Notice proverbs rapidly changes situation (7) ? e ? s ? w ? 6d. Red church stand ? e ? I ? e 21d. Net tax arrangement not yet expired (6) e ? t ? n ? Can someone help me to finish this xword...
14a Be fruitful, but encounter reversal (4)
T ? E ?
5d Roast meat with a good man (7)
? A ? B ? S ?
Can someone please help so that I can finished this crossword off?
Many thanks,
What other Saturday newspaper have a crossword similar to General Knowledge in Telegraph? I also enjoy the Sunday MOS one. The price of the Telegraph is a little high to purchase just for xword....
53a Stirring paint is not appropriate (5) I ? A ? ? 50d Right to leave roof support behind (5) AR 30d Complaining peevishly (7) ? H ? N ? ? ? 32d Redesigned super wallet (5) P ? R ? E Many thanks for...
1a Those upset at position of responsibility (3,4) H ? ? ? E ? T 2d get in casks (5) ? ? N S This could be Tenes or Tunis 28a Place umpires in Car (9) S ? P ? R ? I ? ? 25d Regrettably one entrant has...
7d Hear actual join of union wardrobe (9) T ? ? ? S ? ? ? ? 21a Unable to shift remote cloud (6) ? E ? ? ? ? 24a Listen to hooligan rebel leader on the fireside mat (6, 3) H ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? Clearly I...
52d Proficient in an ascetic discipline based on breathing control, meditation, string and body postures (5) Y ? G ? S Is this as simple as Yogas ?? 17a number of pixels or dots per inch on a computer...
11a Celebrities shine a metal endlessly (10) ??I?t????? 15a Leg's joint, as state of belonging (10) ??m?e???I? 22a Big wheels made from the finest metal (3,5) T?????s? Thanks, just can't get switched...
20a Church book of anthems opposed to anyone using a mobile (10) A ? T ? ? H ? N ? R 2d Cross found in middle of path - that's charming! (6) A ? H ? ? T 6d Urge to tour one island (4) Could the...
I need some help to finish off. 19a. Tough street, sinful its said (6) ? T ? O ? G Is this strong? 24a Monster I sense swimming around? (6) N ? ? ? I ? 2d Bust of old boy set up - some but not all...
24a Horse - one of five in point-to-point (6) E ? U ? N ? I wonder if this may be equine? 6d Block an offensive, having obliterated Spain (5) A ? V ? L 17d Advance with care then go below (7) S ? B ?...