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12a Received in the post (6) E ? R ? ? ? 8d Bird eager to dislodge a berry (8) G ? O ? ? ? O ? Thanks Bill...
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12a. Oath involving the god Jupiter (2,4) ? Y ? O ? E...
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12a Oath involving the god Jupiter (2,4) ? Y ? O ? E Thanks for any help...
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10a In office, I assume (5) P ? S ? T Hard to get into club, having little money (4) ? A ? T Just can't get these two to finish. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Bill...
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22a Last you'll see of Brer Rabbit (4) ? c ? t Should be so simple but I just can't get it. Thanks Bill...
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24d Slang term in the English language for money (5) W ? N ? A I just can't get this. Bill...
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Can anyone help with this 21d Hole found in corrupt material (5) v ? I ? e Many thanks, Bill...
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11d Lytham-St-Annes is sometimes called ? Lytham due to the number of trees (5) L?a?y Lytham Any help would be much appreciated. Bill...
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I am stuck with two, can anyone help me please? 14 D. Marks of damage left as Arctic ice moves south 10) ? i ? a ? r ? c ? s 23d Ascetic has a weekend sitting in tree (5) f ? k ? r Thank you for any...
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13d True skin, consisting of the dermis and the epidermis (5) C ? t ? s Thought the answers was cells but it doesn't fit in. Can anyone help please Thanks Bill...
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22d Bill, I hear, is European (5) C ? e ? h Is this answer Czech? It fits but I can't see why. Thanks Bill...
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19d Fire, perhaps, but don't punish (3,3) ? e ? o ? f Any help would be appreciated, it is my last one to finish. Bill...
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22a In physics, turning effect, or torque, produced by force acting at distance on an object (6) ? o ? e ? t Could this answer be MOMENT? I am not very good with physics - thanks for any help. Bill...
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20a Fully developed adult stage of an insect following metamorphosis (5) ? m ? ? o 13a "Energy field created by all living things" (Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars - 1977 (3,5) T ? e ? ? r ? e Am struggling...
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4d Where one gets the minimum level of service? (3,6) L ? w ? h ? r ? h Is this Low church? Thanks Bill...
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25d Dark coloured mineral consisting of ferric oxide (9) H ? e ? a ? i ? e Struggling with this. Thanks for any help. Bill...
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14d Capital raised by a business or corporation through the issue and subscripion of shares (5) ? T ? ? C I asked this question earlier but the answer STOCK does not fit, has anyone any ideas? I can...
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14d Capital raised by a business or corporation through the issue and subscription of shares (5) ? t ? ? c Many thanks for any help...
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13a. It's bliss residing in the avenue (6) ? e ? v ? ? 5d Thought learner coukd be perfect (5) i ? e ? l 4d Powerful (6) P ? ? ? h ? 25d Row about it returning (4) ? i ? r 51d Let slip (4) ? l ? b...
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Just a double check 5d. Derby, perhaps, houses a little home (7) H ? B ? T ? T Could this answer be Habitat? 7d She's large to manoeuvre, so get lifting gear (9) S ? E ? R ? E ? S Is this Shearlegs?...

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