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9d Any long-winged diurnal bird of prey of the genus Circus, family Accipitridae (hawks etc) (7) ?a?r??r Is it Harrier or carrier? Thanks for any help Bill...
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17a Artist deteriorating over time (7) S?c?e?t I have seen it answered as Sickest. But should it be SICKERT as the artist. Thanks for any help Bill...
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4a. Luminous outer layer of a star from which light and heat radiate (11) P??t?s?h?r? 23d Modern Latin American dance rhythmically similar to the rumba (5) ?am?o Is this this the Mambo Thanks, Bill...
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53a Fabric that's new, only warped (5) N ? l ? N Is this as simple as the word NYLON ?...
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I am stuck with last three, any help will be appreciated. 43a. Not even head displays eccentricity (7) ???n?s? 35d. Expressed public disapproval of (9) ?o???m?e? 11a. Body of words in a particular...
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Am struggling with two, hope someone can help me. 19a. Bring about no interest, but have no debts (5) i ? n ? r could this be incur ? 13d The undecided act thus, but do wrong in all respects (10) ? o...
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20 & 22a Ability to appreciate what friend consumed! (3,3) ? i ? ? t ? 26a Square pegs in round holes (7) ? i ? ? ? t s 23d Strenuous attempts (7) ? ? ? a ? t ? 25d Seer's monetary gain is heard...
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16a Broadcasting 'The Way We Live'? (2,3) ? ? A ? R 8d Directly or indirectly, witches for sale (2,3,4,5) ? S ? H ? C ? ? ? F ? I ? S Any help much appreciated...
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25d Scientific investigation (8) R ? ? ? A ? C ? 32a Speaks (4) ? ? L ? The third letter of 25d is the first letter of this clue. 6d Turn into readies (6) ? N ? A S H I think this one may be encash...
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25a Awful peril - fear to increase rapidly (11) ? R ? D ? F ? R ? T ? just cannot get this...
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18a A sandwich from this joint is a blow (7) ? N ? C ? L ? 26a Late transport (6) H ? A ? S ? I suspect this may be hearse? 19d Opening device has message of fundamental importance (7) ? E ? N ? T ?...
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3d A friar involved with Satanisn cult (14) R ? S ? A ? A ? I ? N ? S ? Just can't come up with anything...
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21d After the passage of time (5) Sides taking high tea afterwards L ? A ? R Just cannot see the answer to this...
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27d It may cause an interruption to services (3) N ? T It seems so easy but yet I cannot decide what the answer is. Can anyone help me please....
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1a. Upper tributary of a river close to or forming part of its source (9) H ? A ? ? A ? ? R Thank you for any help, Am completely at a loss...
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25d Prone to taking care (7) T E ? D ? N ? Is this answer Tending OR Tendenz Thanks Bill...
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11a Pegs at NE river (4) T ? E ?...
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8d One who might have got you the sack years ago (4,6) W ? N ? W ? I ? E ? Just can't get this one....
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Just cannot see the obvious for these 22a Sauce with mayonnaise and herbs (7) T ? R ? A ? E 24a It's for driving slowly (5,4) F ? R ? T ? E ? R 2d Slaked thirst (5) D ? A ? K...
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32d A tradional Japanese sword or dagger; also a musical term meaning "too much" (5) T ? N ? O Have seen it answered as Tanto and Tenko, not sure which is correct...

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