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25d Prone to taking care (7) T E ? D ? N ? Is this answer Tending OR Tendenz Thanks Bill...
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11a Pegs at NE river (4) T ? E ?...
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8d One who might have got you the sack years ago (4,6) W ? N ? W ? I ? E ? Just can't get this one....
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Just cannot see the obvious for these 22a Sauce with mayonnaise and herbs (7) T ? R ? A ? E 24a It's for driving slowly (5,4) F ? R ? T ? E ? R 2d Slaked thirst (5) D ? A ? K...
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32d A tradional Japanese sword or dagger; also a musical term meaning "too much" (5) T ? N ? O Have seen it answered as Tanto and Tenko, not sure which is correct...
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27a Chinese martial art (4,2) Su?g ?u thought it was Kung Fu but it didn't fit something else...
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Hope someone can help me, I am struggling to finish. 8a. Tea for a friend (4) ? A ? ? 12a Farm-workers' pie (9) ? H ? ? ? E ? ? ? 15a Fell sorry for (3) R ? ? 2d Join forces with side at University...
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8d Gave an address to read out (6) O ? A ? E ? I realise it is orate, but is it orates or orated, just can't decide. Thanks for any help Bill...
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25d Commotion in prison (4) ? T ? R 38D Giving generously, yet without mercy (9) U ? S ? A ? ? ? G 54a Liveliness as a result of drink? (6) S ? ? ? i ? Hope someone can help me finish off. Thanks...
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40a Local authority regulation (3-3) B ? E - ? A ? Just can't get this one....
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43a Dreadful & brutal act (80 ? T ? O ? I ? ? 19d Location system using reflected pulses (5) ? ? ? ? R 38d Foll crossing by very deep chasm (5) A ? ? ? S 31a Fog avoided, we hear (4) ? I ? T...
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7d. I haven't got a 7d down in my paper. Can anyone tell me the qestion and answer. Many thanks Bill...
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Just one more. 24d In law, a society from which a candidate may be called to the English bar (3,2,5) ?N? O? C?U?T Thanks again for help...
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1a One who brings misfortune to his companions like the biblical mariner (5) ? O ? A ? 37a Four-wheeled carriage (6) ? ? ? D ? ? 26d Breed of terrier which originated in Yorkshire (8) ? I ? E ? ? ? E...
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26a. Oil-producing country having dried fruit, note (9) SULT?N?T? Could it be Sultanate ?? Thanks Bill...
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Just cannot finish the last three. 9a. Has topless dresses (4) O ? ? ? 7d Numerous (6) U ? ? o ? d Could this be untold? 24a Elia's younsters (5) ? A ? B ? Not sure if this is LAMB - but not sure of...
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6d. Putt with the nineteenth hole? (4,4) ? ? ? ? ? L ? ? 11a. It's not prepared in a slow coocker! (4,4) F ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2d. Resident of Doha, say - a sailor appearing in a Stephen Fry quiz (6) ? A ?...
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Last one 2d Sticky meat! (5) ? E ? A B Could it be Kebab? Thanks Bill...
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12a. Accepting the inevitable, having given up one's job (8) ? ? S ? G ? E ? 17a. Hollywood hearth-throb's roof-end (5) ? i ? l ? 33a Trusted advisor (6) ? ? N ? O ? 27a Musical perception (3) ? A ?...
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9a. Middle Easterners putting Shakespearean king back in river (8) I ? R ? E ? I ? 24a. Christmas visitor (5) S ? ? T ? 29a, Consider it wrong as freedom of action (10) ? ? ? C ? ? ? I ? N 25d Bird...

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