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anotheoldgit /// He won't get the right to speak. The Parliament sadly doesn't even get the right to really influence the decisions at all. 'So this idea that somehow...
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From their website: “The Climate Research Unit (CRU) is widely recognised as one of the world's leading institutions concerned with the study of natural and...
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Another embarrassment for Gordon Brown as bereaved families only now receive letters of condolence from the Government - 2 years late! Too busy filling out expense claims? I'll bet those weren't...
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Our freeview box which enables us to record two separate digital programmes at the same time, has just packed up on us. On looking at various sites, it would appear that these are notoriously...
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Speed of dark?
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I have so many questions on the above so I will limit my plea for advice to one per day. I have installed skype on the laptop and have bought another netbook for xmas for grandaughter and will install...
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Solar panels produce d.c. Where and how is that converted to 50Hz a.c.? Assuming that wind turbines have alternators to produce a.c. how is the output maintained at 50Hz regardless of the speed of...
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Emails from Climate Research Unit have been published by a hacker or inside leak. They reveal fudging of figures and collusion to supress or oust anyone who does not tow the man made global warming...
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As we haven't had any accounts for 14 years, does anyone have any idea how much EU cash has been ripped off? Estimates?
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Now that Europe has finally been conquered and duly subjugated what is the next step for the united states of Europe? EU wide income tax? forces? foriegn Policy? The Europhiles are going to great...
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listening to Karen Carpenter always cause me to get a lump in my throat? (ITV now)...
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Do Duracell batteries really last longer than other batteries -or is it just advertising hype?
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...phonetic dialect so here goes anyway...this is UK East Midlands Derbyshire.... Ittintintinn Breddandlard eyeland The bungoal werr reesti...
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British Gas is on track to increase the amount of money it makes from its customers by 43 per cent this year, as it benefits from lower wholesale energy costs and high consumer bills. Woohoo! Another...
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http://www.telegraph....out-of-recession.html Get out Now and let Europe sink,don't you think ?...
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I have just been watching the newsweek prog. I saw William Ha gue on the front bench. Have the tories had to stoop that low to include a back scratching, ar$e licking self confessed pi$$head in their...
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this is for mainly AOG + R1Geezer and the others who have come out and said they dont like Brown. I understand you two have been very unimpressed with Brown and can't wait to get rid of him BUT i've...
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i know you need to be very careful when dealing with asbestos, i need to know what paint to use to stop it leaking in three places a new one is out of the budget and i need to put my belongings in...
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The cigarette lighter on my corsa is not working. I tried putting a new fuse in just in case it was that, but no difference. I only use the socket for my mobile phone in car charger. Would this have...
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my friend is a nurse and one night she had to go to a morgue on entering she found that one of the bodies was looking rather happy? why was this.

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