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1-Ground used for short time by cold man ?I?C?D 2-Stock control marking ??? / ???E 3-One not in organization N?? / ???B?? 5-4-Tom, Dick or Harry ??? / ?? / ??? / S???E? 6-Utterly bewildered M?????I?D...
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Session guitarist known asCaptain Fingers ?E? / R?T?N?U? In 1976 was he a man made out of concrete and clay ? R?N?Y / ??E??A? Adam Ant remembered their curls D?U?S?H?R / ?I?L?
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Is it Constantenople or Constantinople
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Does anyone have the answer ?
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1-Group specialising in decorative design ( William Morris ) ARTS / AND / CRAFTS/ ?O?????T 2-Showy, cheap ????R? 3-Bloctk to progress ?B?T?C? 4-Repulsive ?R?????E 5-Turn away A???? 6-One treating...
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1-Retract a statement E?? / ?N?S / ???D? 2-Repulsive ?R?????E 3-Sticky earth ??A? 4-Too elaborate;highly strung H???????G?T 5-Public praise ????A?A?I?N 6-Plunder ( A place ) R?S?O?? 7-Groups of people...
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Small volume B???L?T Energy needed to cause a change of state ???E?????T Widely held fixed image or idea (10) (Of surface) bacame covered with salts E?F???????D It's generated by sonic movement S?O??...
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Anyone have the answer ?
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Older term for nuclear reactors ATOMIC / P?L?? (Pulse ? ) Wilier ??I?R
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A subtle distinction N???T? Stringed instrument of Celtic origin ????H A coming first ???C?????E Lest I? / ??S? Type of reflecting telescope N???O???? Offensively repugnant ???O?T?Y Digs up surface...
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Characteristic of an individual I???S?N?R?T?A Lacking strength F???S? Changes in place or position ?O?E?E?C? Slack middle of extended rope ??G?? Money Paid ????A? In which something is wanting...
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Egalitarian ?E?O?R?T?C Knotted garment (US) N?C?T?E
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Officer of the royal household (5) Greek cynic philosopher ???G?N?? T-shaped symbol ?A?N? / ??T?O??? / ????D Knotted garment (US) ??????E Consonant sound in some languages G?O?T?L? / ?T?? Metal coated...
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Label with which Mike Post spent ann afternoon R?I?O
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It was half of a Jamie Cullum hit ?RO?T?N
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1-Decor fit for a fish ??E?? 2-ELO feel a heartbeat I?A???E 3-Record label once linked with Elton D. ?. M. 4-It was half of a Jamie Cullum hit ?R??T?N 5-A little board with Morrissey O???A 6-Label...
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1-It links Elvi Costello and Vegas S?E 2-Pour toi the electronic way F?R / Y?? 3-Decor fit for a fish ??E?? 4-ELO feel a heartbeat I?A???E 5-Not true about the Cure's label ?I????? 6-Cam'ron's call to...
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1-It links Elvi Costello and Vegas S?E 2-Pour toi the electronic way F?R / Y?? 3-Decor fit for a fish ??E?? 4-ELO feel a heartbeat I?A???E 5-Not true about the Cure's label ?I????? 6-Cam'ron's call to...
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Somehow thinks 'Gee that's great vision K?E? / S?G?T Is it keen sight ? I don't get the keen bit if that is the answer.
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I've given my paper away so don't have the question, can anyone help ?

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