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What is Trinny as in Trinny and Suzanne short for?
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my little boy (20 months) has been told by various family members that feet are `tootsies` , hands are `dannies` and teeth are `pegs` where do all these come from and what do people call private...
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just happened to catch a glimpse of Eastenders the other night (don't normally watch it).  Anyway, this is REALLY bugging me - who is the actor that Zoe was caught trying to kiss and got thumped...
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My dog is sadly comming to the end of his life and I was wondering what ideas Answerbankers had of saying good bye to him? also, is it OK to bury him in the garden?
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12 across - Repugnance for (8) - Cryptic clue is "Dislike of blandness D_S_A_T_ Any help would be great thanks

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