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8a Complains as doctor breaks key laws (8) -R-M---S 10 & 12a Pieces by 21 down (Elgar), such as 4 (Nimrod) -- and 22 (Gamine)? (6,10) --I-M-/--R---I-N-...
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Last two........any help appreciated. 15d Having left,is about to catch up, one hears. ?I???N?R 21a Scoffs, out of spite at someone. E??? Is it eats and if so why?...
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2 to finish 4ac *I*R** Mighty hunter's sleeping quarters at home turned over 7dn **M*N* Set piece generally spotted in each half Thanks in anticipation...
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19d Vehement outburst when one's caught in traffic(6) ?I???? 22a Mischievous young woman finally detonating explosive device(6) ???I?E Is 9d screenplays? Thanx in advance...

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