Stuck on two, help with explanations gratefully accepted.14d.Yell of vandals trying foolishly to catch canine(7,3). H?N?I?G?R?. Hunting cry?. 18d.One is sculpted in cap and put on a pedestal(8)....
1 Down Perform vocally in angry speech having a quarrel (8-6) 22 Across For example,test maiden and a powerful male forming a relationship (11) 19 Across Very happy story backed by Editor (6) Thanks...
We were having a discussion tonight in the Fusion household with friends about naming babies after a family member and most of all dead family members. I am against this and think all babies should...
13 across. Some leave when one's not at one's best(3,3) Sorry, no letters. 1 across. How chess is played in general (6,3,5) ?????S/???/????? 18 across. Carefully selected husband together with old...
Cooking them for the first time tonight.
Who has tried this and what are your opinions. Low fat content and slightly unusual meat, thought why not?!...
Tusesday. The wind seems to have dropped, but it's still raining. Got the ironing I was trying to forget about done yesteray, so now I can forget about it! :-) Out to lunch today. Looking forward to...