Good afternoon. After a lot of feedback, it seems many desktop/laptop users would like to be able to see some questions and the latest posts at the same time. We'd like to try and help, so would this...
58D Provide translation of foreign words in marine vessel's name.
8ltr. -U------
74A. Sounds like barb and I have discovered a catch 4.3.3
Sorry no letters...
52D Provides manpower for county 6ltr. S-R-F
56A Gunk with hollow sausage and festive roast 5ltr. --O-E
56D Key to soft radiance 4ltr. --O-
Brain gone dead making roulade, now in oven, Help please....
40A. NASA outpost ( 1. 1. 1.) I-S
81A. Umbrella rod 5 ltr. S-O-E
158D Separated egg parts. 6ltr. ---T-S
These are my last 3 and have me stumped, any help appreciated....