9A: One for the road perhaps, before you decide to take the car. 1-4-5 a-???s-???a? 22A: Without sparking pre-nuptial agreements, arent they spent forces these days. (5-6) ???c?-a???ts 27A. Sour...
I have (I think) completed Tls 1292 but I am not completely sure of the parsing of 4a. The clue is What's either side of The Beach and a Swift novel. The number of letters is given as 9 and I have...
All the answers are: Sports equipment. Tetley's or PG tips after the 18" hole. Not to put the lunch in but for protection (2 words) Imaginary line marking the limits of an area and a stout cord (2...
1a sign of ultimate judgment (in a word)for baked apple dish 8 11a outstanding NFL achievement?english record in risk 9 ??????E?? 1dfootballer's foul play echo'd by misguided catholic monarch 12...
1 learner in confusion back for a game [4] g?l? - golf ? from game and g and o from game and confusion ? 2 cask spilling wine [ 4] s?c? - should it be either sack - anagram of sack or sock - from hock...
Stuck on a few this week:
1D Foreign place like Iowa. -S-A
6D Tool, even under fire. -P-R---E-E-
15A Hottid opinion short student held. V--E-
26A Passage thus ending stateside. --N-S...
Q 43 climb up steep hills in our new shoes for starters (I think this is in the lounge) 8 letters q 48 Two times example gets the french politician to see 5 and 4 ( also in lounge)Q53 Rob large plants...
One word links all 3 given words.:- 2) bull, free, black 7) council, town ,court 8) perfect ,square ,loan 11) chorus service , party 14) car ,television , modem 16) sharp, around, forward. Thanks in...
All answers are Rivers. Number of letters in brackets 3) perhaps of foot! (5) 4) One never gets the river (4) 8) Could be hawk or a sceptre (6) 12) sounds a bit dubious (5) 19) This river underwent a...
The answers to the following come before or after the word ‘ fire’ Eg. Male = man so answer is fireman Eg toil = work so Answer is firework 9. ) canny 14) identification 16) Waterloo 18) regiment...
Hi really struggling on last 3
1. style of art with periodic symbol (7,1)
2. The human skeleton has two of these (5)
3. Two monkeys add up to this grand (7)
Thanks everyone in advance...
The answers are Scottish rivers
A measure of indeterminate quantity (5)
Renowned for its saving establishments and wee hills (4)
Any help much appreciated...
2d only guys will say... went down like men (6)?e?l?s 22d after such epic efforts, could you blame him for nodding off? (5)?o?e? 26d addressing her highness goes both ways (4)m??? 28a it nt it...