Need 2. 2D. Former ne'er-do-well left northern rugby club (7) Answer seems to be LORRELL (L+ rugby club ORRELL), but cannot find the meaning in local dictionary. 34A. Lecturer in company with...
1d. Do work for husband (8) C???E?V? Is this conceive? 10a Here, what's North-East? ??P?L Is this Nepal? Would give me the N for CONCEIVE. 22d Temperature, roughly, in part of body T?R?O I have put...
Can't get going this month. 6d Fortune-teller's reflected one's past, unmalicious at heart (7) S - - - - - - 20d Brass fastener one's left in stae after hours (7) H - - - P - - Cold this be hairpin?...
Can't find if this has been asked yet, so help appreciated. 26a Frightful chap with airs-I could be hypocritical. P?A?I?A?C. Not sure about the last letter?
28ac Middleman taking pictures (5) H?A?N HEARN ? 10ac Let in to make confession (5) ??A?T GRANT? DRAFT? 12ac Heart of Hilton's 1 across gets Queen in worse temper (7) A???P?R 22ac Dives into 1 across...
Help with 18a please 7 letters - 'term for any one of the group 17 elements, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine or astatine' few tricky ones today! Thanks to all helpers.
Having turned the record over and switched on, say, lets one hear it. (5) P???? It flies with the duck back into the river. (3-4) ??R-?I?E Guarantees the sun will be out before the second round. (7)...
It's very hard today and I'm stuck on a couple. Any help most welcome. 17a Some 'new' ones may live in Liverpool (8) S _ O _ I _ N _ 18d To lurk in ambush or hiding (5) _ _ U _ H Thanks in advance b...