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This one has me really stumped. 34d justification as exemplified by descartes, thinking (6, 5) r?i?o? d?t?e....
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9a very affected by going off to temporary accomodation (4,4) i have h?g? camp (c?m?) cannot work it out....
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12a one good short rule for getting over disease l?r?i Perhaps some of my letters are incorrect. Thanks...
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24d top speaking part ?e?k is it neck? thanks in advance...
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run but don't hit b?e the b comes from bar ( prohibit further decoration)
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I am stuck on lh corner 1a in private a line used by transport minister(4,9) i have no letters but think it might begin with H thanks in anticipation
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5d best sort of capital investment h?l? I have champers for 4a (wine found in many picnic baskets) so 5d begins with h. i had thought of gilt
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Does anyone know why the Ft crosswords are no longer available on line ? 7th August was the last.
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help please. 14a earth used to form a rampart, embankment etc. r?m?l?i the i comes from diwali (hindu festival of light) thank you in anticipation
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20a emotional choice between saint and goodness? ?t?r?y is it starry?
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12a golf trophy is guarded by gruff copper heading to pinehurst 6,3 c?r?i? cup also polymath511 is 2d heurism heuristic seems to apply the philosophy of guiding in discovery or investigation. h?u?i?m
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10a with hindsight she became a seasoned columnist (4,4) ???S ?I?E 5d instrument poor martin's left is a trombone (4) o??? i cannot figure these out.
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11a obsessive teachers n?t 27a solitary type wants woman's hand shortly ?e?m?e
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21d Shakespearean play house ??p?l?t i cannot work it out. i think it may start with a c thanks in anticipation
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6a minimising one's duty (but not evading it ) ? 3, 9 ?a? a?o?d?n?e is the seconnd word avoidance? Thanks for your patience.
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10d two squares forward and one sideways i thought knight's tour but that knocks out 31a english county somerset
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10d two squares forward and one sideways i thought knight's tour but that knocks out 31a english county somerset
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10d two squares forward and one sideways i thought knight's tour but that knocks out 31a english county somerset
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id two way radio communications voice procedure used to express compliance w?l?o is it wilco? THANKS.
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2d object and don't go on ?n? the n comes from gainsay which maybe isn't right 6a dispute a win, for example ?a???a? (gainsay) the old grey cell have seized up tonight. thanks.

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