sorry ,was late starting this one, 11a, welsh cultural festivals[11] 9a,precursor of hotwater bottle[7,3] 10a what guns use[4] and 24a sharpen[4], thanks.
ashamed to say cannot get proverb. Proverb illustrating the importance of taking pride in one,s work (2,1,3,2,5,5,2,2,5,5,4) any help greatfully received.
1a,alcoholic drink from barley say,[4,6] 4d plugs of tobacco[5], 12a impregnable position[12] 5d not ambidextrous[3,6]. feel I should know these but can't get my brain to work at all today!
sorry thought I would be able to finish this but...,5a state of very young child[8], 6d it catches feathered fliers[8] and last one 14d look at again[2-7]
7d,person in revolt [13] 20d, more timid [6] 17a,one of 100 members of senior branch of the US legislature [7], african animal with a reddish brown coat with white stripes [5]. thanks
thank goodness we're all back, been to work work all day,thought i would never get this crossword done, 14a,singing or talking well[2,4,5] 22a,waterway transport[5,4] 5d,beauty specialist[11] and 16d...
ok paulineward you've talked me into it, 2 left,1a not a cert, more like evens [8,6] 27a penetrating radioactive emanation [5,9] something radiation i think