thank goodness we're all back, been to work work all day,thought i would never get this crossword done, 14a,singing or talking well[2,4,5] 22a,waterway transport[5,4] 5d,beauty specialist[11] and 16d...
ok paulineward you've talked me into it, 2 left,1a not a cert, more like evens [8,6] 27a penetrating radioactive emanation [5,9] something radiation i think
tearing my hair out here.1d old advertising devices [8,6] 6d any offensive activity [10] 5d mixed drink with spirit base [8] 2d rough inexact [2,5] ,thanks
stuck on a few this week, performances with religious theme[9], 15a alfresco[4-3], 25a port on lake michigan[7] and 16d instrument of early astronomers. thanks