128 dn without direction, ai-l--- (7) 137 dn much of the time, i-e-l- ( 7) 140 ac standards of perfection (6) i-e-l-, idearly? 157 ac travel along runway, -a-i ( 4)
i have a mistake between the numbers 49 50,51,58, 63, 66,71,82,94 49 ac rebroardcast,(6) i have repeat 49 dn boating carnival, (7) i have regatta 50 dn print media, (5) i have paper 51 dn singer or...
63 ac the g of gb, g-p-t 71ac chores, tar-s 51dn singer or dancer, artists? 75 ac thwart, f--e-t-t- 86 ac earths enviroment mother...., -at--s 66ac illicit, illegal?
35 dn seize with love, sci-t--, may have something wrong. 24 dn stare open-mouthed, have gape 41 ac all together, en...., have casee, makes gape wrong 48 ac hectic, have frantic 62 ac command, have...
2 dn wash soap from, is rinse, would anyone know of another word with "m" where the "n" is 23 ac finish up, c-n-l-te, this i think should be complete, unles the xword has a mistake in it thankyou
composer philip..., i have g-ass 2001 computer, i thought ibm but i think this is wrong, the m comes under the g of g-ass lake erie state, o-en, i thought that lake was in ohio designer ..... versace,...
arabic lute, o-- indian ctton rug, d-rrie homer's the ----- could it be iliad eire's emblem, --rp mullah's decree, -a-w- french holiday house, --t- novelist alan ...., pa-o- medical language, le---
railway station bear, thought of conductor but it's 1 letter short so has to be another word tip of south africa, cape..... barbary fits but not sure goodhope is 1 letter too long
164 d christian science founder mary...eddie, b---- 182 a small rorqal.... whale, s-i 175 a aimed, m-d-t 173 d chinese currency, ren-i--- 181 d accursed thing, an-t-e-a 153 d watery (eyes), -he-m-...
128 d ruts plimsal x it gr-a--s 99 a propitious layout art, feng... s--i 107 a coffee-making specialist, b-y-s-a 115 a surprise victory, u--e- 129 a pearl harbour island, o-h- thankyou
32 acr neolithic stone tomb= dolmen? 33 d head side of coin= obverse? 34 d party tent= marquee? 35 d nor= neither? 41 a uncanny= eerie? 42 d revise (text) edit? 43 d imbuse= inspire? 57 a paper hanky=...
72 dwn i-i------ three legged pot stand thought trivit not working 86 acr tr---t uncomplaining 82 acr s-o-c-e cupid 83 acr -e-s mincemeat ingredient 80 acr eue- tools 81 dwn utensils could be wrong...
39 dwn m------ 7 letters, i nkow who it is but need the correct spelling it it marcel marso simple bolbous flute 56 acr oc----- 7 letters bloodhound's hanging lips 19 dwn e-t-s 5 letters