doing stinker i am done but picked up some mistakes 10 d cane walking stick, malacca? it has to be wrong 44 a slicing knife, carver? this is the second c 36 aclassic column style, doric? this is the...
doing stinker 249 a one of the cinque ports, t?e this one has me stumped i am not sure if they are talking about a wine or a sea port 285 a hole-maker fot seed planting, di???a 237 a cash, l?c?e 125 d...
doing stinker 209 a nile delta city, anjammadi i think this could be wrong, a?e?a????? 254 d strong-smelling, pungent fits this also could be wrong 255 d writer .....sontag, s ???m 253 a californian...
doing stinker 286 a instructions for tasks, b-o--s 272 d florence art museum, of---- 270 a fall victum (to), have suscomb? the "o" is start of the florence art museum thats if suscomb is right 210 d...
Thank you all for your replies. I am new to this game and having read your replies i feel that the fault is all mine. I will now endevour to absorb what you have pointed out. Thanks again.
doing stinker 164 a far-sighted, p---c-e-- 132 a church crypt unhe--r-ft 142 a dry burn scab, -s-har 136 a surliness, t--i-lynce 120 a guided, st-e-ee, thought steered but dose not fit with 106 d 106...
doing stinker xword 111 a bookbinder's egg-white adhesive, --a-- 104 d thickening agent from seaweed, a-a- 100 a expertise, -r-wes- 85 a staff poacher, heag-u-t-r 83 a tyre-puncturing device, c---t-op...
I'm really stuck here. I'm trying to remember a range of action figure toys that I had as a child that were released in conjunction with a cartoon series. These figures used to have a staff each, on...
hi people any one run into the same problem as me doing the $1500 cash word, bottom right hand corner, 264 a promissory notes, (1,1,2) (ious) 265 d peculiarity, (o) for odditys comes off (ious) even...
79 a flattering remark, c-s-u-m-nt 85 a fraudulent conduct, -s-r-p-i-n 62 d flourished (economy), boasts this could be wrong 85 d plane staff, -r-- devotion, d-s-n----n
63 ac the g of gb, g-p-t 71ac chores, tar-s 51dn singer or dancer, artists? 75 ac thwart, f--e-t-t- 86 ac earths enviroment mother...., -at--s 66ac illicit, illegal?
128 dn without direction, ai-l--- (7) 137 dn much of the time, i-e-l- ( 7) 140 ac standards of perfection (6) i-e-l-, idearly? 157 ac travel along runway, -a-i ( 4)
i have a mistake between the numbers 49 50,51,58, 63, 66,71,82,94 49 ac rebroardcast,(6) i have repeat 49 dn boating carnival, (7) i have regatta 50 dn print media, (5) i have paper 51 dn singer or...
35 dn seize with love, sci-t--, may have something wrong. 24 dn stare open-mouthed, have gape 41 ac all together, en...., have casee, makes gape wrong 48 ac hectic, have frantic 62 ac command, have...