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A boy, a boy, my sister had a little boy!!!!!!Oh God, I'm sitting here crying, I'm so proud of her, 6lb something at 8.10 this morning!!! (my little brother told me, he's not good at this kind of...
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andy hughes
Just checking you are OK?
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Absinth Go to the gallery, this guy ought to be shot.
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the best mode of transport to use to make a quick inconspicous getaway during the morning rush hour? Travelling 7 miles through heavy traffic.
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Who's going to dare me to shove a whole M&S sarnie into my gob in one go?
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I am due to stay in New York for three days at the end of this month. Does anyone have any ideas for things that I must see? Also, has anyone taken a horse drawn carriage around Central Park? What is...
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(_!_) a regular ar*se (__!__) a fat ar*se (!) a tight ar*se (_*_) a sore ar*se{_!_} a swishy ar*se(_o_) an ar*se that's been around (_x_) kiss my ar*se (_X_) leave my ar*se alone (_zzz_) a tired...
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Who likes 'em?
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..........she should be back from the States by now!
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"Brad and Ange's Wedding Row" Reliable Source : Closer Magazine There's hope for me yet!!!!!! woooo hooooo Dak goes off and does a little dance :):):):):):):):):):):)
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now ladies and gents who is hoping for one of these this year ?
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the days when people were sane?Customs were kept and English was plain?Polite conversation focused on rain,and couples held hands along Lovers Lane.Rock was a boulder or seaside sweet,men opened doors...
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j5 has had the rollicking of rollickings at work and had all internet privaliges revoked so he will not be on here for seven hours a day anymore : (
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I've just told Mr Boo to put another jumper on if he's cold as we arn't putting heating on at this time of day.......tee hee.
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Where for art though Mr T?
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Shall be Grey, Like a Corpse
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The word for the day is: ESURIENTLY, meaning hungrily or greedily.Your mission, should you wish to accept it, is to use this word in a sentence.This thread with self-destruct in T-minus 12 hours...
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Thanks for making me chuckle at the "he" reference :)

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