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For years my next door neighbour has been throwing cig stumps on my path at the front. I knew it was him really and I told him but I didn't want to be accusatory. I have been stopping with parents... ...
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If measles is easily caught by adults and is more severe in adults (as stated in NHS website), how come all the focus tends to be on children catching it?
  For example most health sites tend to... ...
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Do you ever experience something which cheers you up for a moment and it makes you realise how  down you've been feeling for ages. 
  For example a guy from school messaged me on Facebook, totally... ...
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I'm in a predicament (again) minor thing but it's still a predicament  I rang up today and made an appointment at the hairdressers at 15:30 ish for the same day they booked me in for 17:45. 
  At... ...
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If antihistamines help chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps, is it definitely an allergy causing it? Had this persistent thing for over a decade, have to constantly take meds. However all allergy... ...
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Guess I just wanted advice, I don't know why but I get really frustrated and angry over things like this, it usually involves my mum - she is forever wanting to change everything. 
  I have been... ...
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This might sound very petty especially with wars going on in other countries, but I was looking for opinions/advice   I am in the process of selling my house and was stopping with family for a... ...
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Sorry if this sounds a bit sad but I haven't got much else interesting going on.  I've been taking half a ceritizine tablet everyday (5mg) for about 7 years for persistent rhinosinusitis. (allergy... ...
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I have a family of 3 living next door to me (mother, father and infant son). It is a new build estate we all moved onto at relatively the same time. The father often goes outside to smoke through the...
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I hate this modern world, I wish for a world with no computers as they don’t help me one bit. If anything they made my job a lot harder a work with me not being able to log on most of the time, not...
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Do any of you have odd hang ups which bother you but you can’t tell anyone as they are deemed too pathetic? Criticise and call me as much as you want but when I was a teenager finding out that I was...
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Over the past year, after a period of severe anxiety, I have been trying to understand myself more, build resilience and develop tools to be able to deal with what life throws at me I have realised...
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Due to having nasal issues for the past decade, I have forgotten what normal nasal passages feel like. I feel bothered by my nose even at times when I can breath through it. I am wondering if part of...
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If a CT scan shows that your nasal septum ‘deviates to the right’, does this mean that the left or right nostril is narrower? I’m not sure if say the left side on a scan is the same as your left side...
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I have put in a request to my employer opting for part time hours (25 per week). Please don’t judge btw even tho I have no kids I have personal reasons for dropping from full time. Eitherway on the...
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Is anyone clued up on the risks of radiation from medical imaging? I am a bit concerned as I have the following diagnostic imaging scans done over the past year 2x chest x-rays Barium swallow (they...
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I have recently started to get back into running, to try to motivate myself I prefer to keep the distance short (only 15 mins) and try to improve my distance each time. I am putting effort in as I...
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I have recently started to get back into running, to try to motivate myself I prefer to keep the distance short and try to improve my distance each time. I am putting effort in as I find the runs...
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Never had an electric oven (always had gas) but planning on getting one. In terms of fitting I am wondering what would I need to do. Would the oven work with this socket (it is 40 years old) or would...
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I hate the fact that people won’t think twice about saying or doing as they wish to me because of my size. I am female, small framed and only 5ft in height. People often say I am ‘tiny’, I have been...

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