15a.waiters do become ordained(4,6)?a???r???s 19a.trade is outwardly showing high principles(6)?d???s 21a.publicity stunt needed by drug addict(4)?y?? 22a.onerously imposing duty before second half of...
5a.drew a line in complex pun,geddit?(8)e?p???e? 7d.self loving plant(9)??r?????s 12a.country in fair-and-square fight(4)??a? 16a.minister is beyound gold(6)p???o? 28a.spoof of wages pole...
last lot your in form today 4d.heading off sailing vessel? that's what some cutters do(4)e??? 6d.onset of sexual desire?that's mmarvellous(5)s???? 10a.instrumental figure is tense,following terrorist...
17d.us city offering a hint of something-and that is energy(3,5)???d?e?o/ithought it was las vegas i was wrong. 18a.describing geological period laid in a course ect(10) ??e???e?uS/i have cretaceous...
1a.large bill presented after teatime for making the bed(4,6)??u?p????? 1d.ditch ship captured by enemy(5)??s?e 4d.but this game cannot be played by one alone(4)??l? 5d.conceal most of the...
1d.country air anyone will take in(4)???? 2d.it'sapple,treated?no,it's vegetable,treated(5,3)?????p?a 8a.nonsense about line being repeaated twice(6)?????e 10a.those who don't believe in chess...
9a.having no money then having lots of money will make you glow(8)o??????? 14a.worker maintained a small computer(8)h??????? 23a.appropriate representative of hevy blow capturing pair-that's an...
the last lot you all did well 21a.debauchee has nothingto be sorry about(4)r?u? 24a.quits the flat(4)e?e? 23d.old biird with little time for a follow-up(3)m?a 5a.help out frenchman who is in the...
4dcloud in space-hydrogen has a red/blue shimmering(9,6)???????????????
16a.poet's view of society contradicted by the irish sea?(2,3,2,2,6)???????????????...
11a.it takes the stress of measuring(8,5)????????g?u?e
1d.throw a ball for for event(4,3)??????t
2d.the most like exeter,me include firstly(7)??????e
4d.what is said about a scar(6)??m???...
7d.one hard man, a clumsy sort,overturning guru(9)??h?r?s?? 8d.chip,s a hired thug controlling road(6)??r?o? 9d.manage lease of that desolate property and receive severe criticism(3,3,8)?u?t?e????????...
1d.head of militia is hot after most border engagement(8)s??????? 2d.staff attending fashionable artist(5)r???? 3d.accept list and note shaking:the stuff of earthquakes(5,9)p????????????? 4d.accuse...
9d.specialised chat-line organisrd by involving community leader(9)??????c?? 12d.indulgent to allow another nine inside(7)????e?? 17d.bits of course yarn on drum(5)??r?? 15d.result in the cup,s hotly...
4d.writer of stories to adopt a different pose(5)a?s?p 6d.swear it was a explosion(5)b?a?t 11a.one out of step,aleading entertainer(4)?t?r 15d.three dashes in this code are gloomy(6)?o?o?e 18d.in...
5a.cleaner part of tap?(6)???b?? 9a.consumed food angrily,being unrestrained(11)??d???????? 10a,encourage,before the end of the day,to be lively and merry(6)???e?? 15d.refused to turn in during the...
4a.he,s not working in protest his jb is to get goals(7)s?????r 10.wild or untamed and finally proof-the goodfather mafiakill(5)?e??? 14aa.give some drugs?yes?little gertrude,s odd?in...