Hi just filling in my answers ready to send this quiz off and find I have two answers for No 72 but can't see how I got either. (72) Trainee in the police; cadets ultimately are up for approval (8)...
Am I the only one still struggling with this quiz? Any help on no8 Larry, its said, was on horseback with a secon fellers boots (9) 23, Expression of approval for a quiet , short break-interrupted by...
I have been filling in my answers to this quiz and despite lots of hints I am still unhappy with two of my answers please help. No. 42 It appears that this cowboy could throw a bounder (8) I have...
Last few questions all answers are birds You need to dress up in these to be seen in ths (4-6,6) A rowing error made a hole in his jumper (4,6) Trini didn't mention the colour (6,6) Quiz ends this...
All answers are birds Help please I'm stuck Has he got his traffic lights mixed up (7) In which Pierce and Sean come to blows(9) Sounds like 71/2 minutes long (6) Member of the hirsute singing...
Hi all the answers are names of birds Laurence's call to arms (7,7) A peaceful swim is all I ask (10) Has this bird expired in the ocean (4,3,7,) The better pins are in a bright colour (7,10) Any help...
Been doing quiz Containers great and small really stuck on two. Is it too early to ask for an extra clue? No57 Obtain a secret handshake to stop being foolish and afraid (3,1,4,) and No93 A cat is in...
Going to post off this weekend, Unhappy with two, extra clue please
53) scold a German crashing in race (9)
87) talk about a right and left with an unscruplous fellow (9) Thanks in advance....
Just filling in my answers ready to send off, but am unhappy with a couple, an extra clue would be nice. 15) he takes risks in hope of financial gain but,nosaint,, he becomes an embezzler (9) 55)...
I have tried to get through this quiz without asking for help but am now stumped have checked and these don't seem to have beeen asked an extra clue would be appreciated 50) hill guide causing great...
Started filling in the Quiz ready to send off not happy with a couple Please could I have an extra clue no30 One hundrede and fifty pointsto the right mark for the holder (11) and 99 Signals we...
Have really tried hard but stuck on a few would appreciate an extra clue please for no.8 Tropical plants a retired jester has mixed up (7) and no 89 In the cabinet nearly everyone has the locks...
question no 30. I have been trying to get this answer for two weeks, must be really thick. An extra clue would be appreciated. Judge, at vast age, became an old fool. 6 letters
Nos. 95 and 96 - If rest ... (Can stand tall at the waterside) (11) and 96 ... is required after a run with sailor - always trailing (6). Any clues I am completely stymied!