My iPad will not empty delete box. I have just had to manually delete one by one 400 emails and there are as many to go yet. I have been in settings and checked that I set it up to empty delete folder...
The Black Bra (as told by a woman). I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends recently. One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have been married for 20+ years. We were chatting about our...
Prompted by another thread, I have decided to stick my head above the parapet. I don't like dogs, but each to their own. What does irk me is dog owners who let their mutts off the leash and then...
Wednesday. Still not had the promised biblical deluge. I'm not complaining you understand! :o}
A fresh batch of crumpets up for grabs. I made 36, there are 32 left.
Have a happy day everyone....
OK - how many blondes does it take to change a light bulb in my house!! None - cos I can't flipping well do it. Arrrggghhhhhh I have one of those halgen spot light clusters in the kitchen and one of...
In final days of this old world were foretold to be a time of most important decision, because the ability to predict the future is one thing that distinguishes the true God from all false...
My woman's father has a terminal illness and recently the insurance company was written to say the insurance needs renewing soon. I suggested to her that they cancel the renewal since the car is just... /// He and his parents saw our country as a land of safety and opportunity....
LOL, good old Joe, he's done it again.
If offered a 3 days a week job which has x number of days entitlement PLUS 8 days public/bank holidays, where do you stand if you work Tues to Thurs regarding the bank holidays as they mainly fall on...
A atheist raised the following problem: “To some extent there is order, wonder and beauty in nature. But this is only one half of the picture. The other half is terrible chaos.” Then, after...
A very good friend of mine is a powered wheelchair user and yesterday was trying to get to the pharmacy to pick up his pills, to get there his route takes in a busy main road for about a mile or so...
just curious here apparently there are 4 sets of lights near mine that are currently stuck on red, and people are stuck at them beeping like mad - what is the law regarding this - assuming the lights...