farmers guardian
23a. drug and bit of fuss calamitously fuel commotion in glasgow (8) k???f?l?
24a scottish porkers bad-tempered character to pass quickly over (8) ?r???h?e...
farmers guardian 1d. player to raer of rugby forwards is finally absent: chickens out (5,3) b?c?? / ??? 3d. stays in scotland; is located around south ( 5) s?s?? 14a. what you have in front of you...
farmers guardian 6d. loud outcry when injury upset, top removed (5) n???? 7d. enchanted short time with top journalist (7) s?????d 11d. began to deal with publicity set in order (9) ???r?s?e? really...
Yorkshire Post 1853
20a. document for first one on the radio (3-5) p?o / ?o???
24a. campanologists fiercely-fought contest (4-4,6) ?i?n / ???g / ?a?t?e...
Yorkshire Post 210121 any help ? really stuck this week 1a. noted toy revolver (7-3) ?????n? - t?p 2d. one may give out when appealed to (6) ??e??e ( 2nd letter of 1a is 1st letter of 2d ) 27a prudent...
farmers guardian
6d. give an encouraging look with eyes, not oddly in emotions (7) ?????y?
20d. in furious frenzy she's wildly animated - it's dreadfully abandoned (6) m?e?a?...