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21d Place to stay H???? 25a Former PM ???l?e 27a Swords ???d?s thanks...
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9A Soothed made quiet L?l?e? 18a One who forages Scavenger ? 20a Sirloin steak P???e???u?? 11d Carousel Merry go round ? thanks...
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1A Expressing negativity ???????????? 3d Lack of colour ??e?or 5d Sight ??r?on 7d Living ?t?t?e?t 26a Catch at an awkward moment ?o? o? ??? ?t?t Thanks...
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8D Greek stoic philosopher a student of Clenches C?r?s?p?u? 34d Solar god in Egyptian mythology often portrayed as having a falcon's head ??r?s 27d Angels in the highest of the nine ranks in the...
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16a Character in Greek mythology condemned to roll a boulder up hill for eternity S???p??? 24d Economic system in which the price of goods and services are not open to government intervention ?r?e...
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8A Art movement pioneered by Picasso ????? 12a Hebrew prophet who was persecuted for denouncing Ahab and Jezebel ???j?? 15a The supposed art of divination through speaking to dead people ???r???n?y...
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1a Forage crop A???l?a 12a Stardom ? 19d Leg part ?a?f Thanks...
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11D Record or report in detail Do?u?e?t 12d Go to live somewhere else ?e?e?t?e thanks...
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6d The events described in Zulu are mostly this ?u?e 20d Brusque-as Stanley Baker's character is with Michael Caines character in Zulu A???p? Thanks...
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1D Disease caused by thiamine deficiency ?e???e?i 19a Work of art that imitates the style of another ???t?c?e Ta...
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4d French savoury pie made with puff pastry , literally flight in the wind Vol au vent ? 39a William ?a?e 18th century archbishop remembered for his theological argument for the existence of God...
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13a Satire on Stalinism first published in 1945 ???m?? ???? 16a The ????s one name for West Ham United 18a Prince of demons in Jewish demonology ???o???? 23a Study of mental processes such as...
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14a Ordinal number Se?e?th Ta...
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7A Wall Pass O?e ?w? Thanks...
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13D Control,Power,management L?a?e?s?i? ta...
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15d A nonsense A?s?r?i?y Ta...
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7d Act balancing out another ?o?n?e?m?u?e 24a Put on trial A?ressts 10d Unnecessary fuss ?o?g ?nd...
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3a Come before A?????t? 9a Arboreal lizard ????u? 12a Housey-housey Lotto ? 26a Catergory ???? 5d Inconsistent principles ????l? S?a????? 22a Shouted loudly T?u?????? trumpeted ? ta...
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12A The use of extreme physical force ?i???n?e violence ? 13d Control,Power, Management L?a?e?s?i? Ta...
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24a American TV sitcom that was a spin-off from Soap?e???n 25d NFL championship match held annually in the US at the end of the football season ??p?r ?o?l Super Bowl ? 36d Plastic or metal end of a...

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