8d in art or drama anything which is inconsistent with the work's period a?a?h?o?i?m
25d supernatural being a?c?a???l
24a vegans ?
38a Terrifying mythological female figure gorgon?...
9a Disease put the french in a mess unfortunately M?a???? 16d Is america inthe middle east for ill-treatment M?s?s? 24a It's tougher to restrain old obsessive collector ????d?r 23d different article...
9a Two film classifiations read out in latest programme U?G?a??
12a Consequence of Open University book about Cuba O?t?o??
13a Short,very ugly type orinaly in lair H???o?t
15a Incommode in commode ? ????n???i????
19a The best refreshing hot aftertaste S???? ?f ?h? a??
23a Sailing ship -giant adrift in the sea B????t?n?
14d Picture obtained illegally in suburbs of Palermo P?o?o Photo?
21d Take edible fungus during performance A???p?
24a Prepares food for pets without hesitation ????r?
Stuck on last one, 20 across Landmark in Protestantism (4,2,5) I have D?E? ?? W?R?S I thought deed of words but not sure. Any help will be well received.
3d Smith and I rebuilt narrow bridges ?s?h?i 5d U>S> author adopted satisfactory attituide ?o?e 22a Writer's impressed fussy ladies ,hoping for the best ?d?a?i?? 18d Stone cask sent up for spice...
Good afternoon all! I'm sure it's been noticed that there is a discrepancy with the cryptic & plain clues for 17d. I emailed the Puzzles Editor for clarification & he has replied, saying the...
Caan you please tell me the answer to 10 d: Apparatus used in the manufacture oos spirits. 5 letters I have the following: S-I-L (Searched in dictionary but could not find it!) Thanks in advance....
Having problems in top left hand corner, please help. 1a) Sailor seen at sea round cape? It may explain this (7) 1d) Cook meant to keep piece mostly in the background (7) Sorry I haven't any letters....
Elder son took out £100 Payday loan from Toothfairy Finance in April. Doesnt live with me and I had no idea. Was meant to pay it bk the nxt week but didnt have work so he called me in a panic...
I would like an apartment in Majorca so myself and my family and friends could visit it when they wished. With the current Euro-crisis I guess there is an upside and a downside! Can anyone who has...