18a. They say it will come on a wing and a prayer to guide you off to God knows where...[3,5,2,5]? thea???l???e?t.
5d. Tiger lets swing and roars away [6,3] ???v?s???
would appreciate help please...
3d/25a. "I am who am" says this one adamantly [5,6] 7d. For some numbskulls it's just a list of numbers [4] ?e?? 11a. Batsman must be in for the long haul[3,3] n?t??? 24d. Who has this hue on his face...
1d. Suddenly... when Tennessee Williams got down to finishing off this play [4,6] ?a?????m?e. 10a. Must stare you in the face as an obvious choice... [5,3] ???n???t. 17d. Persian king is dead-game...
18a. Thy help to cast is disguised so..as Macbeth would have it [3,8,4] ???p???t?s?e?a?. 1d. Che's prision exposure of state suppression[10] ???s?r????. 17a. Tramps, as you hear on the streets and...
25a. ....gone like the leaves of autumn [6]
17d. Found here if tropical[2,3,4] inthe??w?
19d. How God's wrath swelled with it goes back to Methuselah [3,5] the???o?...
23/24d. He would'nt be left to represent the manof your dreams, would he [6,5] Is it Mister right? 16d. They think as one team grindsout [5,5] ??e???a???. 17d. Spread like 2o at a time [9] ?1?p?r?e?....
9a. Away with thye fairies for magic mushroom soup [3,2,5] o?t?0?????. 25a. In the States it's gas to sound like a bird[6] ???r?? 6d. After 9, a complet3e list should be on the cards [4,4] 17d. Ahead...
10a. oooooo! one event after another [5,8] ?h???. 22a. Any old hunch [5] 25a. Cough it up then?[5] ???e?? 27a. Might turn alarming if it@s on the borderline [8] 23d. Petty details of little...
18a. Would'nt have been folowers of Richard 1, would they[3,12] THE??1?????R??S.
5D. Unusual zeal i'd die for excellence exalted[9] [Is there an anagram somewhere]...
6d. It fills the eyes of young Einstein [5,6 [8] ?t???u?t. 3/2d. Would you believe what's become of that seventh son? [5,6] 11a. They return apace and also dead slow [6] R---n 21a. Sole mate would...
10a. Job's enduring virtue[8] ?a?????e.
6d. The fairy queen helps to bring an element of durability to the table [8]
19d. Neither on the money or in the money; such losers [4-4]a???R?n?...
6d. It fills the eyes of young einsteins. 8 -t-r---t? Is it Starspot? 16 d. Getting on relatively well as it happens.(7 3) --o-i-g, -r-. 15a. Like that longing that hamburgers hold. 4. No clue thanks...